P.T Advice
Physical Therapy and pain management

Pain is the alarm of the body to the patient that there is something abnormal is happening inside
the body and destroying it in a special way. So it is a sign not a disease
although it causes suffering from patients
Treatment of the pain started by
treatment the cause (the disease) which leads to it but when pain it
is not tolerated by patient or treatment of the cause is not possible, pain
management is should be recommended
Types of Pain (according to the nature):
A- Dull Aching pain:
This is felt with muscle spasm or chronic
arthritis. It is a continuous pain felt by the patient and mostly increased
with activity and decreased with rest
B- Stumping pain:
It may cause the patient to get out from
sleeping due to it and it indicates muscle or tendon sprain.
C- Burning Pain:
That is felt like the area of pain is burning or
like placed with hot chilly pepper over it. Mostly felt at night and may make
the patient get out from sleeping due to it. It indicates myositis or
inflammation of the muscles
D- Sudden pain with sever painfully muscle
if this pain dose not stay for more than few
seconds that may indicates hypocalcaemia; but if it stays for relatively long
period and may be associated with numbness it may indicates nerve root
E- sever pain with weight bearing over a limb
associated with swelling:
May indicates cartilaginous tear of
these is in general the most common types of
pain .Although `pain nature is important in the indication of the diagnosis ...
it is not enough to be sure about the diagnoses... other investigations and
tests is needed to identify the diagnosis
Physical therapy management of pain:
1- Ice Pack, Ice massage:
It is very useful in acute pain, burning pain,
stumping pain or pain with swelling
2- Hot pack, Paraffin Wax, Infrared:
It is very useful in chronic dull aching
3- Electrotherapy:
Such as TENS (Trancecotainous Electric Nerve
Stimulation), Diadynamic Current and Interferential Current are very good in
all types of pain because it closes the pain gait by stimulating the patient's
body to secrete its normal analgesics.
4- Pool therapy ( hydrotherapy):
Such as Pool, Whiral Pool, Hubbard Tank, Contrast
Bath reduces the pain and increases the blood circulation over the body
5- Massage:
Reduces the general muscle spasm after a
prolonged muscle activity, dull aching pain or chronic pain.
6- Joint and nerve mobilization
This is a very useful way and helps the patient
to feel with comfort by stretching the compressed nerves or using the specific
joint play movements to increase the elasticity and mobility of the joint and
reducing stiffness
7- Manipulation of the body joints:
Also is very good to improve blood circulation
of the joint, improve joint and tendon elasticity and reduce joint
8- Acupuncture:
May be associated with interferential current or
TENS therapy
9- Muscle and Nerve Stretching
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