Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bell's palsy ( facial palsy ) Causes and Symptoms

Facial palsy is neurological Problem result from lesion of the 7th cranial nerve leading to partial or total paralysis on the effected side of the face muscles the patient should early start with physiotherapy as fast as its possible because early rehabilitation can back you to normal 

Facial Palsy Causes 
A- Sudden exposure to cold air currents or weather changes
B- Traumatic accidents
C- Tumors
D- Diabetes persons more exposure to nerve palsy four times than others
E- Pregnant women are more exposed to Bell's palsy three times more than others 
F- Middle ear infection

Sign and symptom 
The severity of symptoms depends on the extent of facial nerve damage

A- dry eyes and mouth
B- Inability to blink or close the eye, tearing
C- Impaired or loss sense of taste
D- Inability to speaking or form sentence
E- Hypersensitivity to sound

To See the Treatment Tips Follow this Link
Physiotherapy for patient with facial palsy 


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  2. Herbal Treatment for Bell's Palsy read about the Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis. Natural Herbal Treatment for Bell's Palsy with Herbal Product Pebneton Natural Supplement for weak or paralyzed the muscles on one side of face. You can lessen the Symptoms and Causes of Bell's Palsy Naturally.

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