Sunday, March 9, 2014

Therapeutic ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound is type of sound with frequency of greater than 20.000 cycles per second Hz, Human frequency hearing of sounds is from 16 to 20.000 Hz so we can't hear that sound. Therapeutic ultrasound has physical effects that can be typed as Thermal and Non-thermal. The treatment session for Therapeutic ultrasound is from 5-10 minutes only

What you feel if Therapeutic ultrasound used in you?
Normally patient will feel nothing, sometimes patient may feel slightly hot in the place that physical therapist apply Therapeutic ultrasound . physical therapist will always keep move the head of therapeutic ultrasound and if not, you will feel pain on the area, if you feel that pain directly tell your physical therapist.

Types of Therapeutic ultrasound

A- Thermal Ultrasound 
used for heat deeply in the skin and smaller areas, it can be reach up to 5 cm depth and provide heat effect for joints capsule, ligaments and tendons 

Thermal Effects:
1- Increases metabolic rate 
2- Improve the extensibility of collagen structures 
3- Help in decreases joint stiffness
4- Pain relief 
5- Improve blood circulation for the area
6- Decrease muscle spasm 

B- Non-thermal Ultrasound 
Cavitation, microstreaming and acoustic streaming are the cause if Non-thermal effects of Ultrasound 

Non-thermal Effects:
1- Increase calcium of intracellular 
2- Increase permeability of skin and cell membrane 

General caution for use therapeutic ultrasound

1- Malignant tumor
use therapeutic ultrasound over a limb or body part with a malignant tumor you should consult the referring physician for patient with history of malignant tumor

2- Pregnancy 
use therapeutic ultrasound over the abdomen, low back, or pelvis for females who is or may be pregnant

3- Pacemakers
use therapeutic ultrasound must avoided over the pacemaker area, but can be used over other areas of body

4- Thrombus 
use therapeutic ultrasound must avoided over or near area where thrombus is or may present 

5- Eyes 
use therapeutic ultrasound must avoided to uesd over eyes it can damage patient eyes

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