Friday, March 7, 2014

Range Of Motion (ROM) Types

goniometer Range of motion (ROM) can be measured by goniometer using degrees on it,  there is different types of range of motion and here we going to discuss the types one by one

1- A.R.O.M (active range of motion) 
On of the ROM type, in AROM the patient moves his\her part freely without any help from Physical therapist, assistive device, or gravity. the motion only provide by the power of his\her muscles

2- A.A.R.O.M (active assistive range of motion) 
On of the ROM type, that the patient can not moves his\her part alone he\she need helps to do the motion the weakness of the muscles or any other reasons can make the patient have difficulty to do it alone but with physical therapist , assistive device, or gravity helps he\she can do the motion

3- P.R.O.M (passive range of motion) 
On of the ROM type, that the patient can not move his\her part at all. so this type of motion can't be done without Physical therapist hands, assistive device, or gravity 

4- A.R.R.O.M (active resisted range of motion). 
On of the ROM type, that the patient moving his\her part against the gravity or opposite to physical therapist hands power, assistive device power 

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