Sunday, August 10, 2014

Rehabilitation for Infantile torticollis

Rehabilitation for Infantile torticollis

physical therapy goals of  Infantile torticollis cases is to reduce swelling, improve rang of motion, strengthening of weak muscles in the opposite side, stretching exercises of the stiffed muscle  and correct posture of the neck and head
1- positioning to improve symmetry
2- hot packs use to make muscle ready for passive rang of motion
3- active and passive rang of motion exercises

active and passive rang of motion exercises for Infantile torticollis
active and passive rang of motion exercises for Infantile torticollis

active and passive rang of motion exercises for Infantile torticollis

4- strengthening exercises for neck and trunk with gravity assosiat
5- massage of the stiffed muscle of the neck
6- Home Program: teach the family how to carry thew infant, how to play with him and how to feed him in the proper way that insure the correct position of the neck and inhance good normal growth of the neck and head
position for Infantile torticollis

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