Sunday, February 23, 2014

Physiotherapy to evacuate lung for sputum Postural Drainage ( PD )

Physiotherapy Postural Drainage ( PD ) 
Is technique that physical therapy uesd to evacuation sputum from lung by using gravity assistance . Physical therapy position the patient in difference and various position to make the part of lung that need to evacuate higher from the other parts.

Postural Drainage needs
A- apply some of massage technique ( gently vibration and clapping ) 
B- patient cough or huffing ( type of cough ) to make drain more easy 
C- deep breathing

Lung Anatomy
Its important to know before applying Postural Drainage technique

the right lung consist of 3 lobes while the lift lung consist of 2 lobes see the photo

How to apply vibration and clapping ?

using the flat hands with gently shaking the sputum to make it move to the larger airways then it can be passing out with cough or huffing

clap the hand as he/she want to carry water but with the palm of the hand is down clapping must not strong that can make pain and not very soft physical therapist should hear the sound of clopping in the patient body

NOTE : avoid clapping over spine, vertebral, stomach, lower ribs, back left over spleen and right over liver and kidneys in the low back

The duration of session
Each session can take time from 20 to 30 minutes with gently soft touch of physical therapist but most patient feel poor from stay in the same position of long time so its possible to make time more enjoyable but play your favorite songs or TV show this can make time come more fast

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